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What Is The Ideal House Temperature?


What Is The Ideal House Temperature?

The battle of the thermostat is common in many households. It seems especially true here in the Vancouver area, where our seasonal temperatures are always fluctuating. If you’ve ever wondered “what is the ideal house temperature”, keep reading.

The answer to finding the ideal house temperature depends on the current season, efficiency and individual comfort levels. Most residents in southern B.C. have their thermostat set between 19℃ – 25℃. In the summer we recommend setting it near 25℃ for energy savings, similarly in the winter it’s more efficient to set your thermostat closer to 19℃.


There are many factors to consider before setting the thermostat.

  • HUMIDITY: Our winters in Vancouver can be cold and dry one day and rainy the next. This can make programming your HVAC system difficult. When the air is dry, moisture will evaporate from your skin quickly, making you cold. That’s why a house set at 22℃ can feel cold one day and warm the next.

In the summer, humid days feel muggy. This makes us want to run the air conditioner to reduce the temperatureand the humidity.

  • SIZE AND ORIENTATION OF YOUR HOME: If you have a home office, you may find the day starts out cold, but ends warm. If that’s the case you probably have a western facing window. The size and layout of your homecan play a big factor in your temperature preferences as well. Most families don’t have the luxury of choosing the function of each room based on their exposure to sunlight and temperatures.

  • OCCUPANCY AND TIME OF DAY: Today’s Smart thermostats are making it easier to save energy during the day and/or night. But finding that sweet spot between saving money and staying comfortable can be difficult.

  • AGE AND HEALTH: Youth, seniors, and people in poor health usually need warmer temperatures. Similarly, women tend to prefer a warmer house while men want it a bit colder.


When you’re too warm or too cold it’s easy to change the thermostat, but there are other ways to solve the problem, without increasing your energy bills.

  • CONTROL HUMIDITY: A whole-house humidifier will allow you to lower the temperature of your home by one or two degrees in the winter. Your family won’t feel any colder and your utilities will stay low. Similarly, in the summer, try using exhaust fans in the bathroom, laundry room, and kitchen. These rooms are usually pretty humid, using an exhaust fan will lower the humidity so these rooms are cold, but not clammy.

  • USE A ZONING SYSTEM: Zoning allows you to heat and cool different areas of your house at the same time. It’s an easy way to create a more even temperature by preventing fluctuations caused by the sun.

  • ENROLL IN A COMFORT PLAN: Some heating and cooling specialists, including Thomson Industries, offer a home comfort plan. This ensures your HVAC system stays well maintained and your ducts cleared.

  • USE WINDOW COVERINGS: Curtains are great for keeping the sun out and a room cooler in the summer. Opening them in the winter allows your room to warm naturally from the sun.

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