Entries by Right Time

Do heat pumps cool as well as air conditioners

Do heat pumps cool as well as air conditioners? Heat pump vs air conditioners, which one is more energy efficient? And which one can help you reduce your energy consumption? Before moving ahead with your air conditioner or heat pump installation, stick around as the team from Thomson Industries dives deep into these heating and […]

Are Furnace Protection Plans Worth It? 

Are Furnace Protection Plans Worth It?  The secret to having a dependable heating system all winter long is to keep your furnace operating at peak performance. As a homeowner, you already know that maintaining your furnace on a regular basis is the best way to keep it running efficiently during the colder months. So, the […]

Heat Pump Not Working?

Heat Pump Not Working? As the seasons change and the temperatures fluctuate, our heating and cooling systems become our trusted partners in maintaining indoor comfort. However, there may come a time when your heat pump stops working correctly, leaving you frustrated and without a comfortable indoor environment. In this blog post, Thomson Industries is going […]

Why is my heat pump dripping water inside?

Why is my heat pump dripping water inside? Picture this: You’re comfortably lounging in your living room, sipping on your favourite drink, when you suddenly notice an unsightly water spot on the floor or, worse, a persistent drip from your heat pump. It’s a scenario no homeowner wants to face. Heat pumps are designed to […]